Date Night Club (December 2019): Back to the Future


Let's start with an icebreaker question ...

What money move did you make that you’re most proud of this year?

This month, we’re taking a look back at 2019 and a look forward to 2020. Grab a few Christmas cookies and your favorite beverage then let’s dive into some goal setting.


  • Did you stay on track this month?

  • Did any surprises come up - positive or negative?

  • Did the way you used your money align with your values?

  • If you got off track, what's 1-2 steps you can each take to get back on track again?

Check out this video to get the conversation started ...


Before we look to the future, let’s take a look back at 2019. This isn’t a time for shame or blame – it’s a time celebrate the good work you’ve done and identify areas of growth for next year.

let’s take a look back:

  • What were your financial goals for this year? Did you set any? Did you achieve them?

  • What are some of the other positive money moves you made this year outside of these goals?

  • Are there any goals that still need tending to? Any edits you would make to these goals as you head into the next year?

heading into 2020 - Give yourself permission to dream:

  • Sitting here this time next year, what do you hope your life will look like? Take some time to think about this on your own and then take some time for each of you to walk through your vision.

  • How are our visions different? How are they the same? Is there a way forward that takes both into account?

  • What things would you need to accomplish over the course of the next year to make that vision possible?

Next choose just one goal to start with to make that vision possible. My suggestion – choose the easiest one so you can gain some momentum. Download this smartsheet worksheet – to transform your goal into a SMART one. Once you meet this goal, then tackle the next one on your list.

See? That wasn't as hard as you thought!

Have questions about goal setting? Send me an email at: and let me know where you’re getting stuck.