Date Night Club (February 2020): Values Mismatch


Let's start with an icebreaker question ...

Outside of friends and family, what are the three things you value most? These could be tangible things, they may also be issues or causes.


  • Did you stay on track this month?

  • Did any surprises come up - positive or negative?

  • Did the way you used your money align with your values?

  • If you got off track, what's 1-2 steps you can each take to get back on track again?

“One of the greatest dynamics of money is that it grounds us, and when we put money behind our commitments it grounds them too, making them real in the world . . . Money is a great translator of intention to reality, vision to fulfillment.

-Lynn Twist, The Soul of Money

Check out this video to get the conversation started ...


Take a few minutes to complete this values exercise separately. Write down your top five values.


We’ll begin by taking a closer look at your values (individually and together), then see how those values are reflected in the way you’re using your money.

  1. Share values: Trade off sharing your top values (starting at number one and moving down the list). Share not only the value but what it means to you. Listen carefully to how your partner is interpreting that value - it may surprise you.

  2. Compare notes: Where are our values the same and where are they different? Don’t try to combine them just notice the similarities and differences.

  3. Connecting the dots: Go back through your top five values – what’s one value that you’re reflecting well in your finances today? Even if you have similar values, you each should respond to this question on your own.

  4. Deepening the connection: What’s one value that you think has room for growth? What are some things you might do to strengthen the connection between your finances and your values? Decide on one thing you’ll do in the next month to make the connection stronger.

smart goal CHECK-IN

  • Do these goals connect with your values? Why or why not?

  • What progress have you each made toward this goal?

  • What progress would you like to make in the next month?

  • How will you hold each other accountable?

See? That wasn't as hard as you thought!

Have questions about connecting your money and your values? Send me an email at: and let me know where you’re getting stuck.