Date Night Club (February 2021): Love Me Tender, Love Me True


It’s February a month filled with cheesy valentines, candy hearts, and an explosion of red and pink. Whether you’re a big fan of this holiday or not, I know if you’re a member of Date Night Club you’ve got a special someone in your life that you hope feels your love, care, and devotion every day (not just February 14). In this month’s date night, I want to help you do just that.

Take a Bite:

What’s one thing your partner has done for you (or said to you) lately that really showed you how much they love you?


  • A copy of last month’s budget (if you plan to do a budget check-in)

  • Computer, tablet, or phone


15 MINUTE SNACK: LOve me tender, love me true

Not only in February, but all throughout the year, we use our money to show our partner how much we love them. While this can be a good investment, if you don’t understand your partner’s love language you may be wasting your money. In this month’s date night I invite you to get to know your and your partner’s love language using this quick activity.

Pick one partner to go first and ask them the following questions:

  1. What’s your love language(s)? Not sure? Take this quiz! 

  2. Explain your love language(s) in your own words. How would you describe the way you want to receive love?

  3. What’s one example of a way that your partner can show you love, using your love language(s), without spending any money?

  4. If your partner wants to spend some money, what would be a gift well spent that would show you love?

Now, switch roles.


If you like, you can take this month's topic deeper ...


Instead of wasting money on each other, take some time to think through how you want to show each other love in 2021 so it’s money well spent. Use the tips from this blog post to help you stop wasting money on your spouse as well as this recent post on quarantine-approved date night ideas that align with love languages. This is also a great time to think through gift-giving holidays like birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, Christmas, and Hanukkah. Do you want to spend money on gifts to each other or is there a better way to express your love and appreciation?


Take a moment to look back at last month's budget together.

  • Did you stay on track?

  • If you got off track, what 1-2 steps can you each take to get back on track again?

  • Did any surprises come up - positive or negative?

  • Take a look over the expenses, did the way you used your money align with your values?

  • What changes will you make for next month?