Date Night Club (January 2021): Starting the New Year Right


Happy New Year!

As much as I’d like to believe that everything has changed now that we’ve moved into 2021, I know that’s just not the case. Instead of setting up grandiose hopes and expectations for this new year that will only leave you and your partner disappointed, I encourage you to use this time to set your intention for this new year and two simple, concrete goals that you are motivated to make a reality. The simpler, the better.

Take a Bite:

What’s your word for 2021?

Never used a word to set your intention for the year before? Check out this post!


  • A copy of last month’s budget (if you plan to do a budget check-in)

  • Computer, tablet, or phone

  • Optional: Post-its



At the tail end of last month’s Date Night “Snack” I invited you and your partner to consider what you want to stop, start, and continue doing with your finances. Haven’t finished last month’s Date Night Club? This is a great time to go back and do that. Check it out in the Date Night Club Library using the password: datenightclub. This month, I’m going to help you take that conversation one step forward. 

Step One: Choose one, just one, thing you want to start doing with your finances this year and one, just one, thing you want to stop doing with your finances this year.

Step Two: Use these prompts to help you make your goal for each category even more clear:

  • Is your goal specific? Is it simple? Do you both understand what it means?

  • Is it measurable? How will you know you’ve achieved this goal?

  • Is it achievable? Is this something you can do this year, or better yet in the next few months? If not, how can you down-size it so it is?

  • Is it relevant? In other words, is this the right time for us to be focusing on this specific goal or are there other more pressing things we need to be focused on right now?

  • What’s the timeline? What’s your realistic deadline for making this happen?

Congratulations! You just made your two goals SMART. Now that you’ve defined your goals, I’m going to invite you to check-in about them during your Date Night each month until you’ve achieved them. Feeling like an overachiever? Take it a step forward by placing some intentional reminders of these goals in important places - maybe it’s putting a post-it on your computer or your wallet? Maybe it’s a picture of your goal on the fridge so you keep it always before you?


If you like, you can take this month's topic deeper ...


Take some time to work out a tangible plan for how you’ll achieve each of the goals you’ve outlined. Make it as specific as possible.


Take a moment to look back at last month's budget together.

  • Did you stay on track?

  • If you got off track, what 1-2 steps can you each take to get back on track again?

  • Did any surprises come up - positive or negative?

  • Take a look over the expenses, did the way you used your money align with your values?

  • What changes will you make for next month?