Date Night Club (June 2021): Evaluating Your Job (or Job Offer)


Our jobs have an enormous impact on our financial wellness - from salary to benefits to our overall health and well-being. This month's date night is designed to help you think critically about the benefits your job offers and where there might be space to negotiate more.

Take a Bite:

  • When you were a little kid what did you want to be when you grew up?

  • In an ideal world, how would you answer the "what do you want to be when you grow up" question today? If you could do anything for a living what would you do?


  • Pen/Paper or a Computer/Smartphone where you could make a list

  • Copy of your budget



A few weeks ago, I had a chance to hear Emilie Aries of BossedUp present during a webinar about salary and benefit negotiation. She said that one of the most important things you can do during a job search is create "like it, love it, and leave it" lists. In other words, "love it" are the things you wish you could have in your ideal scenario. "Like it" are the things you would be ok with having, even if it wasn't ideal. "Leave it" are the things that are deal breakers.

While this can certainly be helpful if you're looking for a job, they can also be helpful if you're trying to discern whether or not your current job is right for you.

  1. Put together your "like it", "love it", and "leave it" lists. Make sure to take into account things like salary, benefits, flexibility, tasks, company culture, remote work, etc.

  2. Circle anything from this list that you have in your current role.

  3. Share your list with your partner so you can hold each other accountable.

  4. Continue to add to your list as you think of more things.

  5. Use this list to discern whether or not you want to search for a new job, ask for new benefits at work, and/or whether to take a new job offer.


If you like, you can take this month's topic deeper ...


I'm guessing one of the things that came up as you were making your lists was salary. Whether you're looking for a new job or sticking with your current one, it's important to take the time do your research, get to know what your work is worth (and what benefits are standard in your industry), and negotiate when needed. Use this negotiation guide from BossedUp to walk you step-by-step through the process. While it's designed for women, the information will be helpful for anyone.

Thinking about asking for a raise, or negotiating a new job offer? Check out this blog post!

Seriously, don't skip this step. Researching what your work is worth is a good process to do annually as your skills, experience, and job responsibilities change. There's no reason to leave money on the table. Not being paid what your work is worth is just lowering the standard for your industry.


Take a moment to look back at last month's budget together.

  • Did you stay on track?

  • If you got off track, what 1-2 steps can you each take to get back on track again?

  • Did any surprises come up - positive or negative?

  • Take a look over the expenses, did the way you used your money align with your values?

  • What changes will you make for next month?