Making Money Your Friend at Work
According to pwc’s 2018 Employee Financial Wellness Survey financial matters was the top choice for the cause of stress amongst all generations in today’s workforce. Forty-two percent of employees say it’s likely they’ll need to use money held in retirement plans for expenses other than retirement. That number is even higher among employees who are stressed about their finances or impacted by student loans. This isn’t just a problem for employees, it’s also a problem for employers. This financial stress can distract employees from their work and even lead to increased absenteeism.
The good news is most employees want help from their employer to improve their overall financial wellness. Fifty-four percent of employees say they want to make their own financial decisions but they are looking for someone to validate those decisions. They are looking for a financial wellness benefit with access to unbiased counselors and help making the most of their benefits.
During my workshop (or Workshop series), I’ll help your employees:
Get a better handle on the full-suite of benefits they receive from you: I’ll teach them the nuts and bolts of the benefits you offer and illustrate some simple ways that they might use these benefits to boost their financial wellness. Better understanding of employee benefits can help to increase employee retention and benefit utilization.
Prioritize competing financial goals: With so many demands fighting for employees’ dollars, it’s easy for them to become paralyzed and unsure of which steps to take next. I’ll aid your employees in identifying their most important financial goals, putting them in order, and determining small steps they can take today. This prioritization process can reduce overall employee anxiety and boost their financial confidence.
Craft a realistic plan for retirement: Saving for retirement can feel daunting, especially early on in a person’s career. We’ll discuss the reasons why retirement savings are important, where it should fall in the financial priority list, and how to track progress along the way. Helping employees prepare for retirement can reduce overall anxiety, aid in employee retention, and give them confidence to enter this next chapter when the time is right.