student loans

Student Loan Forgiveness Options

Student Loan Forgiveness Options

Student loan debt has been the monkey on my (and my husband’s) back for a long time. We’re finally getting hopeful that we can shake it off. Besides the great strides we’ve made in repaying these loans, we’ve also learned about a possible loan forgiveness program that could be a game-changer for us. For the past few weeks we’ve been working on his application, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a good result.

6 Things I Wish I'd Known About Student Loan Repayment

6 Things I Wish I'd Known About Student Loan Repayment

I have to admit that I didn’t give my student loans very much thought until I graduated from graduate school. By that point, I had been accruing debt for nearly six years. In college, even though I knew there was debt involved, I lived blissfully unaware of how much I was really racking up in the background between tuition and living expenses. By the time I got to graduate school, and had the reality check that most college seniors get during their final month before graduation, I was paying a little more attention and tried very hard to be extra careful about my budget so I added as little as possible to my college debt. But still most days, it didn’t register on my financial radar screen.