Every Day Stewardship: Connecting Faith and Money

Every Day Stewardship: Connecting Faith and Money

This week I'm sharing something different. What you'll see below is a post that I wrote for the Center for Stewardship Leaders' weekly newsletter. As some of you may know, I had the pleasure of working for this Center for three and a half years while I was a student, and later a staff member, at Luther Seminary. I learned the most about money and how to connect it to your values while I was at seminary. It was a pleasure to revisit that time of my life and share the story of this blog's evolution with that audience. I hope that you will enjoy this article, too!

My Favorite Thing About Money

My Favorite Thing About Money

As you can probably tell, I’m a bit of a financial nerd. But, you may not know exactly why – is it because I’ve learned a lot of tips for living large on a small budget? Is it because I enjoy the challenge of doing my own taxes? Or, is it because I’ve found the secret to getting out of student loan debt quickly? While all of these things are true, none of these are the real reason. My passion for money comes from one single discovery. Money, when used intentionally, can become a tool to help me better live out my values in the world.

Ask the Classy Frugalist: What To Do If You're Carrying a Credit Card Balance? (Part 3)

Ask the Classy Frugalist: What To Do If You're Carrying a Credit Card Balance? (Part 3)

Welcome back to our brief series on credit cards! Two weeks ago I took a look at how to evaluate whether or not you really need a credit card, and last week I explored some things to consider as you choose your card. This week, we’re exploring what to do if you end up carrying a balance on your card (or cards) and need some assistance getting out of debt.

Step 1: Know what you owe

I know it may seem obvious but it’s important that you have a solid understanding of what you owe before you can make a plan to pay it off. When you’re in trouble it can be easy to get so overwhelmed by fear that you avoid taking the first step. Avoiding the problem won’t make it go away. Facing it head on, with all of the facts on the table, is the first key to success. You’ll want to know the interest rate, total balance, minimum payment amount, and the balance due date.  

Ask The Classy Frugalist: Which Credit Card Should I Get? (Part 2)

Ask The Classy Frugalist: Which Credit Card Should I Get? (Part 2)

Welcome to the second part of a three-part series on credit cards. If you missed last week’s post, I took a look at the reasons why you might get a credit card. This week, we’ll take a look at what factors you should consider when you’re looking for a credit card.

The most important factors vary depending on what you plan to use the card for:

·      Planning to pay off your bill in full every month? In this case, the interest rate doesn’t really matter as much. Look for a card with the best perks for your lifestyle that has a longer grace period to pay your bill and a minimal annual fee.

When I'm 85

When I'm 85

During the Super Bowl, interspersed between the beer, chips, and car ads I saw an intriguing financial commercial. It features 85-year olds flying planes, DJing at a club, performing surgery, lifeguarding on the beach, working tech support, and fighting fires. The theme song running through the ad is “I’m 85 and I want to go home” – a riff on the famous Jamacian folk song “Day O” (The Banana Boat Song). If you haven’t seen the ad, I encourage you to check it out.

Burgers & Budgets: The Meal that Changed My Marriage

Burgers & Budgets: The Meal that Changed My Marriage

You’ve heard the story before. It’s not unusual. Saver is working diligently to get her finances in order. Spender is working hard to live his life to the fullest. Opposites attract. They fall madly in love and walk off into the sunset together. That’s the end of the story, right? But, how do those wonderful opposites – both of which have their own strengths and weaknesses – create a financial life that they can both be proud of?

What Does It Mean to Be a Classy Frugalist Today?

What Does It Mean to Be a Classy Frugalist Today?

Since I began writing this blog in January of 2014 the meaning of “Classy Frugalist” has changed a lot. At the time I started this blog I was engaged, fresh out of my first job, and just figuring out what it meant to have a steady income that allowed me to spend some money on "wants" not just "needs." And now, I’m thirty, married, in my third job, and doing better financially than I had expected.