goal setting

How to Fund Your Child's Education

How to Fund Your Child's Education

When I used to lead retirement seminars, I was surprised by how often a couple nearing retirement would tell me that they had a child in high school and they wanted to work toward saving for that child’s education. They would ask me: “Should we wait to focus on retirement savings until our child’s education is funded?” My answer was always, “It depends — let’s take a closer look at your situation.” Most often, after taking a look at the numbers, the answer was a resounding “no.” As the adage says, “Your child can borrow for their education, but you can’t borrow to pay for your retirement.”

Kickstart Your New Year

Kickstart Your New Year

Over the last few years of writing on my blog, I’ve taken a variety of different approaches to my New Year’s posts. Last year, I guided my readers through a financial audit designed to help you take stock of where you are today and create a goal for the future. The year prior I talked about the importance of setting your intention—rather than a New Year’s Resolution. I commend these posts to you. This year, I’m taking a little different approach.